Friday, February 20, 2015

ICICLES - a poem for February


in amber coach light
glistening snow drifts
footprints lead to mailbox
and back
burning cold
to touch
pock marks in snow
blows through icicles
in pale full moon

Thursday, February 19, 2015

VALENTINE - poem acceptance

My poem, Valentine, was accepted by June Cotner 

Toasts: The Perfect Words To Celebrate Every Occasion , edited by June Cotner, and published by Viva Editions. Toasts is now available wherever books are sold. It's a perfect gift! Read below for my selection in Toasts. You'll find it in on page 174 of the book.
Amazon   Get a copy today.


Outside, the snow
Is wintry bright.
Inside, my heart’s
A warm delight.
Be My Valentine.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Rescue & Ghosts in the Libraray

My two stories, "Ghosts in the Library" and "The Rescue" have been accepted for publication at FICTION on the WEB, and will appear on 15 February and 24 February respectively.

Chances are You Will Want to Come to New York City

In 1958 Her streets were paved in yellow brick leading to Fifth Avenue and 42 nd  Street. You might have seen a zealous couple dance-walkin...